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About Us

W E L C O M E   T O
Williamson's Mental Health Foundation /501 (c) (3)

Foundation background:

Williamson's Mental Health Foundation has been an advocate for communities with children and families in need for many years. We have discovered that nurtured happy children grow up to be positive successful adults that have a positive impact within their communities and households. Even though many many major cities are rich in history and culture many communities within these cities are being left behind and in most cases children are receiving the bare minimum needed for their survival and success. The foundation has adopted families and schools within the city in order to help provide them with those necessary resources. 


Our vision for Williamson's Mental Health Foundation is to make sure that everyone that is in need of mental health services are given the proper resources and services available to treat this illness no matter their race or socioeconomic background.

Our Team

Our team consist of Financial Management professionals, Business professionals , Mental Health professionals, Social workers, Real Estate and Marketing professionals. The board members are:

  •  Franklyn Williamson SR President, who is a successful Real Estate Broker with 30 years of experience which includes assisting low-income applicants in becoming first-time homeowners.  
  • Marcia Williamson, Vice President is a successful Accountant with 30 years experience in Financial Management. She is the founder of Williamson's Mental Health Services
  • Nicole Williamson, Board Member is one of the Co-founders of Williamson's Mental Health Services and she has 15 years experience working in the mental health industry.
  • Rose Dennis is a Board Member and she has 25 years of experience in the mental health industry.

Please Donate​

Your donation is greatly needed  to supply these children and families with the resources that they so desperately need. Please lets work together to rebuild  communities and empower disadvantaged children one family at a time.

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